
Date : 03/04/2024

Subject : “Scalable advanced reaction, separation, and process control platforms.”

Presentation by : Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Enis Leblebici ( KU Leuven, Chemical Engineering Department)


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M. Enis Leblebici (°1983) holds a Bachelor from Ege University, Turkey (2005), a master’s degree from the University of Porto, Portugal (2012) and a PhD from KU Leuven (2017). Between Bachelor’s and masters, he completed his military duty and worked in the petrochemical industry. Currently, he is an assistant professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Campus Diepenbeek where he is a member of the Diepenbeek branch of the Process Engineering for Sustainable Systems (ProcESS) division.  His research focuses on scalable advanced reaction, separation and process control platforms. He is particularly active in designing and intensifying CO2 capture and reutilization processes. Prof. Leblebici is also leading a research line in hybrid modeling and artificial intelligence integration to process intensification, and he was recently selected to the Early Career Advisory Board of Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification Journal (Elsevier IF 4.3), to organize activities to promote the data-driven modeling research in process intensification domain. Leblebici research group: models – designs – validates and scales up intensified processes such as aerosol reactors for carbon capture (prototypes of TRL 3-5), photoelectrochemical reactors (prototype of TRL 3), scalable photothermal reactor (prototype of TRL 4). Prof. Leblebici has been (co)promoter of 6 completed PhDs. Presently, he is (co)supervising 5 PhD students, and 1 postdoc